Semangat adalah dokter terbaik

Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014


Kidney organ located behind the stomach or abdomen. Itself shaped like a kidney bean that serves to filter wastes (especially urea) from the blood and throw it together with urine or urine.

In detail, the kidney weight varies depending on sex, age and whether or not the existence of a second complete kidney. the average adult kidney has a size of 11.5 cm, a width of about 6 cm with a thickness of 3.5 cm and weighs about 120-170 grams. Characteristic kidney shape is characterized by the so-called no openings that connect the hilar renal artery and renal vein and ureter.

The kidneys regulate the pH, mineral ion concentration, and composition of the water in the blood. The kidneys maintain the pH of the blood plasma in the range of 7.4 through the exchange of hydronium and hydroxyl ions. As a result, urine produced can be acidic at pH 5 or alkaline at a pH of 8. The level of sodium ions is controlled by a homeostatic process involving aldosterone to increase sodium ion absorption in the convoluted tubules.

Forms and parts of the kidney

Kidney disease in type
  1. Renal tubular acidosis
    is a disease, kidney (renal), especially on the part of his renal tubules. According to some scientific literature in health, disease ATR is quite the rare disease, the clinical manifestations are not specific and the diagnosis is often delayed.
  2. Congenital Hydronephrosis
    is a treatable condition in which urine stuck in the kidney so that the flow of urine to the bladder to be slower than it should. This causes the kidneys to swell. Hydronephrosis may affect one kidney (unilateral) or both kidneys (bilateral). This is often referred to as 'prenatal' or 'antenatal'.
  3. Congenital Urinary Tract
    Obstruction or urinary obstruction as a result of congenital abnormalities in oligohydramnios which in turn can lead to physical appearance atypical Potter sequence. Pulmonary hypoplasia is by far the main cause of death in the early neonatal period for children with congenital lower urinary tract obstruction.
  4. Duplication of ureter
    Duplicated ureter is a congenital condition in which the ureteric bud, the embryological origin of the ureter, split (or appeared twice), resulting in two ureters draining a single kidney. This is the most common kidney disorder, occurring in approximately 1% of the population.
  5. Kidney Poultice Horse
    Horseshoe kidney is the union of the poles - poles of the kidney (usually the bottom). They are interconnected through the isthmus that form the renal parenchyma or fibrous tissue form (band). Location of horseshoe kidney is lower than the normal position, and lumbar isthmus located as high as 4-5.
For readers who still need more information about the symptoms of kidney disease, please consult our consultant team or come directly to the Hospital Complementary "Canon medicinae Indonesia" in Jalan Ismail VII Tubagus 21 Dago Bandung West Java - INDONESIA Phone: +62 - (022) 253-1000 / Fax. (022) 251-6663 / Mobile: +62 - 0812.2023.2009 (Kidney) / +62 - 0878.9537.5000 (Diabetes Mellitus) / +62 - 0856.9518.6000 (Cancer) / +62 - 0822.1848.2898 (Heart) PIN Blackberry: 7E8C39F5 (GENERAL), 7EBA27CF (CANCER), 7E7C3491 (RENAL) (Hospital Complementary Canon medicinae Indonesia only in Bandung - West Java - INDONESIA).

Complementary Hospital Pharmacy Team "Canon medicinae Indonesia" - Bandung - West Java, INDONESIA.